True marriages are a blessing, but the consequences that come from a bad marriage are not experiences anyone wishes to live with as these could be cancerous to personal health, families, societies and nations. As every day realities set in, some marriages come across to the dispassionate observer as simply struggling to thrive. While some fall apart along the way, most seem to be enduring marriage rather than enjoy it. Most individuals seem to be struggling to come to terms with the reality that their dreams of a blissful, harmonious, profitable and workable union have been eroded with the passage of time. Why all these surprises?
Marriage Or Mirage is a book for all individuals who wish to contract true marriages. A profoundly compelling book that unravels the secrets to having a marriage that works lastingly through the vicissitudes of life. It’s not a book that attempts to mock challenging or failing marriages but rather a resource to help show what marriage is not. It primarily shows how to adopt early preventive initiatives to address devastating occurrences that make illusionary mirages out of many marriages today. Predominant issues such as finances, job losses, sexual intimacy, infidelity, conception and parenting, addictions and abandonment, challenges associated with in-laws, cultural customs, career obsession, and possible family lineage battles that could cause marital derailment are carefully examined.
This work attempts to cast aside what marriage is not and puts in place what it is before the Originator. It also illustrate what the Creator’s view of marriage is and spells out the roles assigned to each party in the marriage partnership to prevent the occurrence of mirages.
A must-read! With this book, spouses in a discordant marriage are armed with a knowledge of what to do to redeem their marriages and those enduring marriage would discover how their marriages could become a delight rather than an exercise in endurance. Even those experiencing a separation are given by this work the keys to form future workable marriages. It also points out to individuals planning a divorce some truth they need to consider before saying never again. Young couples about getting married are fore-armed with the laws of union which they must continually exercise to build a lasting marriage. Above all, it will help stakeholders see how to make a marriage work such that all dreams of living happily ever after can become a reality-which is the end desired for all true marital journeys.
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